About Us

We are Oficyna Peryferie – print studio and publishing house working with artists prints and artbooks.

We are not typical publishing house. We’re working with books as a piece of art and field of expression for visual artists.

We work as manufacture, we love DIY and manual works.

We love print, graphics, zines and books!

Our studio is a workshop dedicated to silkscreen, RISO and bookbinding. We produce small editions of self-printed artbooks, zines and ariginal prints.

We belive in print. Our deep faith in the self made books comes from the Second Circulation movement of the 1980s, when many people risked their freedom to make an independent and politicaly involved booklets and produce them in non-industrialized way.

klejenie-warsztaty-introligatorskieKlejenie, WARSZTATY INTROLIGATORSKIE

Main fields of our activity


As artists we work on our won art publications.

fotka zbiorówka po warsztatach


We share our skills and knowledge because our mission is to make artbooks and zines really popular in Poland

Four reasons why we love artbooks:

otwarta książka

Co liczy się naprawdę, OFICYNA PERYFERIE, 2015


You can fill your book with as many content, as you want. Book has enough place for all your content.


Book is a piece of grpahic art which means, that is prodeced in many copies and its easy to share with people.


Book is cheap. So it’s really good medium for artists, because is democratic and possible to collect by many people.


Book is small. So you can collect many books in your very small flat 🙂